from paris to ivory coast.....

somebody wants to hire me! not from my father's contacts, not from bambi's friends, but from my own hard work!
remember the post i made about Mr. Victor (the Editec France man) and THE job offer in Paris? i thought he was like "fuggetubboudit" when i first declined....
my gosh! now he's offering me a job on West Africa! i really don't know why he's so consistent, even my excuse the last time was resolved - he wants me to bring Francis, too!
still, bambi doesn't want to leave his company, and he doesn't want to trail after me - he said he wants to make his own mark in this world (the guy is so mature) so it's up to my jurisdiction now (*scared*)
well, i have time to think - it's 3 to 4 months from now, and i've got time to learn that awfully cool 3d animation and html coding...

so apart from the confusion i was suffering last week, now it's even crazier than i have ever imagined!