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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

june 21, 2005, 14:00, Manila

plane ride

since the take-off from abu dhabi, the pilot reminded us that it will be a turbulent flight, unlike the first one we had from bahrain to abu dhabi, coz we had a connecting flight. imagine arriving there at 11 your connecting flight is at 11:45! i thought i wasn't gonna be able to call bambi to at least inform here that i arrived safely... i boarded my stuff and asked the attendant if i could go out for just a minute to call. of course it seemed ridiculous, but i don't want bambi to worry, he has enough to be sad already. and with 9 hours of flight time from abu dhabi to manila it seemed like eternity and i will just hate myself for making him worry when i could have tried. and stupid me, the card i bought was too expensive for just a one - heck, less than one minute call to bambi. but there was no other choice anyway, they don't have cheaper card. and i also bought one from bahrain international airport and never used it much, too. i am like that sometimes - when i need to do something and i know i won't have peace of mind until i've done it, i have to do it at all cost. and bambi's peace of mind is worth everything.

so... after we ate, the slight turbulence happened every now and then that i got used to it and even convinced myself that it rocked me to sleep.

and you may never believe it but if you watch 'friends' you will never be bothered by turbulence, trust me!

bambi was right, im so glad he insisted to put the camera to my waist!


does it ever happened to you that things happen so quick and it seems surreal that it never registered to your brain? and then one day you'll just realize WTF was i thinking???

when our plane was delayed from the terminal because there was no vacant gate it seemed like it was never going to end, when you thought that the 9-hour flight was long enough already. the pilot was great though, he was talking to the speaker and apologizing to us all. plus the fact that he got us all safe after that bumpy ride.

then after going down to that infamous arrival gate it seemed fast-forward like > seeing my sister with my in-laws > drive home > greet everyone > give chocolates > talk > go to the mall > eat > go home > go to bambi's house to bring pasalubong > go to the apartment we are going to rent > go back home > open the box > talk > watch tv > sleep > wake up > eat >>>>.


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