dust storming my blog
its so cold outside, apparently there's another dust storm on the way. aside from the rain, did i tell you that there was a hailstorm in dubai last week? and a couple of years ago there was snow here in Bahrain? why do i always miss these stuff?
ate tina and i went to don vito yesterday, while bambi is having his much-anticipated and much-prepared interview for The One. and my gosh did he impress the guys there! so thank you to miss claire (she'll probably will not read this in her lifetime, but we still want to thank her) and to mr. rob merry who is an angel to my bambi, and to miss maria, the kind and beautiful receptionist of the one, thank you to all of you. but we still don't know if bambi's hired. as of now, he's quite satisfied with his success against struggles and discouragements, and i think he deserve a break right now.
im getting the hang of the sims 2 again. i lost my interest a month ago due to frequent crashing and it's inability to build houses, last night was one of the "boredom nights of bahrain" so i tried my best to entertain myself with bambi's computer-generated dollhouse.
what else... im suppose to write something interesting here but by the time i arrived here im drowned by works that it slipped out of my mind again. okay, i know im a boring writer, but this is my blog, so if i do bore you, read at your own risk, hehe.
ill come back later

ate tina at don vito's balcony

their cafe is so cute!

balcony shot 1

balcony shot 2
thanks for the free breakfast! hehe