how to lose a friend in 3 ways
1. buy the car she's selling but don't pay yet, wait for payday.
2. if the payday comes, delay payment by making excuses. lalala.
3. once you've delayed it for, say, 3 months, tell her you're not interested in the car because you've found a better one and you're going to return it to her today.
i am an evil person.
now, im not that bad and i didn't plan this from the beginning...
but the way things are turning around, it seems pretty much what i did...
im not saying im guilty either, but i was willing to pay for the penalty, i told her, but i guess the shock made her proud not to accept any help from me. too bad for me, we did have lots of happy times together, and it would really be my loss if i'll lose her as a friend...
enough of the dramatization, ate tina wasn't that angry, sure, she was in a grumbling sort of mood this mornig when i told her bambi isn't going to buy her car (which the former delayed the registration for 3 months) but she offered me an apple this afternoon... so i guess there isn't any grudge in her heart (bless her)... so... i guess im so lucky she understood.
what's with the finger-hurting exhibition i have this week?
just last wednesday i cut my middle left finger, then this morning the door slammed at my right fingers... big time.
so aside from the left finger band-aid i had, im also adding another one at my right fore finger to cover the bruise... hey! it's not my birthday, how come so many people remembers me?
bloody clumsy, that's me. clumsiness is my greatest talent so far.
i've found videos yesterday, for free! my gorgeous mac don't play windows media player-enhanced video on punkster's site so i never realize i could put one on my own, but i was 'wandering on the web' yesterday for some background music and voila! i've found the coolest addition to my blog... so far i have appointed daily videos until april.... though i haven't found passenger seat or binoculars or edwin mccain.

it's swimmmmmmmming season in manila! the greatest homesick-generator of all time. i hope they try to send me lots of photos though, add salt to the wound.. wuhuhu!
o-o- before i forget....

how old are you now.. 19? hehe... your last teenage year, better make it good!