i've replaced the small chatterbox with the chatroom from bravenet, its cool, you can persnalize it (i've posted slam dunk's picture and x10cis logo) so go check it out! francis will ask some of his chatmates (in yahoo and fil friend finder) to go chat there so im hoping someone will be chatting there soon, for now, its just me. i also finished the ferrer famly album in the family gallery, no maglantay family album yet, but the enchanted kingdom album is finished also. ill try to post more pictures i just have to look for my CDs theyre just there somewhere in my room... but right now i have to finish this latest project i have, the 20-page booklet of our participating shops, which they have told me only yesterday when the supposed deadline was sunday!!! (loko talaga tong si tuyo) Anyways youll see more when i have the time to surf at home to add more stuff on this site .. sign my guestbook, will you? so its not just me and the bravenet team there. -tin