okay, i did it, here's my most recent addition to my zorpia albums:
My MaNiLa aLbuM
take a look, you'll find some pictures freakin' amusing!
some previews:

we knew each other even before birth, when our moms walked on the streets, tummy bulging and faces smiling... but we had to wait 19 years to be with each other, and that what makes it special. the perfect time. "we are all born for love... it is the principle existence and it's only end."
okay, i did it, here's my most recent addition to my zorpia albums:
im currently uploading some (because there are thousands of 'em) of the photos i have when i went home to manila (for four freakin' months) and i will add them later at my zorpia library so you guys can see them and laugh at my sibling's psychedelic whims of taking pictures of themselves... by themselves!
i came here last wednesday and im so glad i've arrived during the holidays! but now im back at my desk at the familiar smell of i-dunno-what and back at what i came here to do - surfing! hehe, im just joking.